
The weird girl in class invites the hottest guy in school to her fruity dinner party.

Awards for Nasty

Director’s Statement

Directing this film showed me who I want to be as a filmmaker: Creative, Curious, and Kind. I had spent most of my time in school trying to fit into a mold of what I thought a story should be. Three-act structures, serious characters, naturalistic dialogue, etc. Then, I turned to my biggest inspiration, Caryl Churchill. I love her work because it consistently surprises me, makes me think about life and story in new ways, and feels so completely unique to her voice. From there, I learned the box never existed and Nasty was born. 

On set, we finished shooting early and laughed all day. Everyone walked away having had one of their best student-set experiences. I am so proud of myself for cultivating an environment that was simultaneously productive and fun; everything I believe filmmaking should be.

This is my proudest accomplishment to date. I hope you enjoy my film as much as I enjoyed making it. Stay nasty.